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Projects and results

Growing ambitions for circular economy in East Africa

A legislative change based on good public-private dialogue has created the right framework conditions to turbocharge plastic collection and expand the concept to other materials and to Kenya's neighbouring countries.

Colombia's businesses are taking lead in reducing water consumption

With support from DI, the employers' organisation now offers courses in water management

The plastic industry takes a lead in fight against plastic waste

In Kenya, the business organization Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has joined forces with plastic importers, plastics manufacturers, and plastic recyclers to develop a plan to create circular economy for the plastics industry

The private sector in East Africa embraces the Sustainable Development Goals

During the SDG8-conference in Copenhagen, business organisations from Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya realized that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be used to develop competitive businesses. Now, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) works to make businesses embrace the SDGs and to challenge the government to take an active role in the fight for a sustainable future